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IMG_20161218_152221314.jpg IMG 20161218 152147777 HDRThumbnailsIMG 20161218 152228152IMG 20161218 152147777 HDRThumbnailsIMG 20161218 152228152IMG 20161218 152147777 HDRThumbnailsIMG 20161218 152228152IMG 20161218 152147777 HDRThumbnailsIMG 20161218 152228152IMG 20161218 152147777 HDRThumbnailsIMG 20161218 152228152IMG 20161218 152147777 HDRThumbnailsIMG 20161218 152228152IMG 20161218 152147777 HDRThumbnailsIMG 20161218 152228152

From the door looking toward the radio rack. The left cabinet houses the power amplifiers and their power supplies. The center rack holds the exciters/transmitters, receivers and preselectors. The workbench/desk is up and locked into place, holding various items as I work inside the van. I need to pick up some new LED lights for the shelter lighting; meanwhile I'm using a halogen floor light.

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