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IMG_20161218_152242394.jpg IMG 20161218 152228152ThumbnailsIMG 20161218 152249646IMG 20161218 152228152ThumbnailsIMG 20161218 152249646IMG 20161218 152228152ThumbnailsIMG 20161218 152249646IMG 20161218 152228152ThumbnailsIMG 20161218 152249646IMG 20161218 152228152ThumbnailsIMG 20161218 152249646IMG 20161218 152228152ThumbnailsIMG 20161218 152249646IMG 20161218 152228152ThumbnailsIMG 20161218 152249646

From the radio rack, looking back to the power entry panel and the ECU. IN this photo, the ECU bottom and top filter and air directors have been removed for more room in the facility to work. The file cabinet is standard and bolted to the floor. The frequency inverter for the ECU can be seen next to the file cabinet.

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